Education Secretary Thinks Outside the Lunchroom at Homeschool Cookout

Betsy DeVos

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos recently visited with homeschoolers in Colorado as part of her six-state Rethink School tour in an effort to garner support for school choice. DeVos, who homeschooled two of her children at one point, voiced her support for parents who decide to go against the “same routine” that has become a hallmark of public education.

“These dedicated families have selected the educational environment that they think best meets the needs of their own children,” she said in a recent blog post describing her backyard cookout meeting with Colorado homeschoolers. “We should not stand in the way of their decision, but instead support and applaud the choices families make for their kids.” Those who were at the event said the conversation focused on their motivations to homeschool and the positive experience it has provided for both students and parents.

HSLDA is encouraged by the positive relationship that DeVos and the Department of Education are pursuing with the homeschool community. School choice has overwhelmingly been proven to have a positive impact on education in the United States, and homeschooling has a remarkable track record of success.

And while we are seeing positive signs from the Department of Education, HSLDA is still cautious about the use of government-funded vouchers, which DeVos has voiced support for in the past. HSLDA met with DeVos earlier this year (pictured above) to make clear that homeschoolers want to preserve our freedom and autonomy.

DeVos was asked during a press conference on her tour about vouchers, and she replied, “[I]t’s up to the people of every state to decide how that happens.” We will continue to monitor any and all legislation that could add red tape to homeschool freedom.


Photo Credit: Will Estrada

2 thoughts on “Education Secretary Thinks Outside the Lunchroom at Homeschool Cookout

  1. I don’t trust her. For most of her adult life she used her great wealth to fight parents to ensure Common Core was forced into their children’s schools. I feel an ulterior motive hidden in her statement somewhere.


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